Weight Loss Ticker

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 3 - Final Stats

Okay, so I obviously wasn't paying attention when posting earlier today.  Day 2 lunch for the 2nd day in a row LOL.

Dinner - leftover spaghetti.  Snack was hummus and carrots this morning and a cheese stick and a clementine this afternoon.  I'm feeling good about my day overall at least food-wise.  Work... well the merger is going to drive me crazy.  The head of the new department emailed that everyone is expected in Cincinnati for a meeting on the 13th and 14th of January.  I just can't do it.  We're dropping one paper route this week, but Justin will still be delivering papers, and I need to be at home to watch the munchkins.  My manager says this isn't going to affect my job.  Since she still doesn't know for sure that she has a job, I'm not sure if I should believe her or not.  If I do lose my job... it'll give me a lot more time to focus on weight loss.  LOL  Or I could apply for the writing job I've been considering for a year.

Final stats today:

Calories: 1005
Water: 100+ oz (I lost count after 7 cups)
Protein: 56g
Fat: 38g (over 30% again. this time it's the meat in the spaghetti) 
Fiber: 20g

Overall, not bad.  Still under 1200 calories.  I really don't think the fat matters quite as much as it could if I was eating more calories or less healthy food.


slimslampam said...

Proud of you Lena..I know things are tough and worrisome. But know this: Allan takes no prisoners so as they say in Nike land - just DO it!! LOL..oh yeah and as WE always said in our little world, "Stay off the damn scale until WID"..Got it? Good luck, my friend...Pam

Lena said...

Pamelita, you always put a smile on my face. I'm staying off the scale and keeping at it. At some point the job worries will be sorted out. It's out of my hands.