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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 69 - Procrastination, Discouragement, Frustration and Not with My Weight

Yea, as if it wasn't obvious, I'm very good at procrastinating on things I should be doing.  My Marine's dad called me lazy, and sometimes it comes off as laziness.  I find other things to do, I get easily distracted.  I have a lot of things I should be doing.  A lot I'm supposed to be doing, especially since I have always wanted to start my own web design company.  I talk big, but never carry through. 

The question is, why don't I carry through?  I have done a lot of thinking on this lately.  Why do I keep saying I want to start writing for About.com and never actually fill out the application?  Why have I been dabbling in web design since I left my web developer job in Branson?  Heck, I haven't even seriously designed anything in years.  Not since 2007.  I'm scared.  I've been taking the easy road.  I have some serious self-doubts about my abilities.  Oh I say I was one of the best designers where I worked.  I was the best programmer until they brought someone in who had a degree in programming.  But, I honestly don't see myself as all that great at what I want to be doing.  I was called worthless a lot during my first marriage.  I guess I still harbor some of that doubt.  My goal... after I finish the paperwork for the Oklahoman this weekend, I'm going to thoroughly design the site for SEOcopywritingdesign.com.  The website I registered last summer.  I'll write the copy as time allows throughout the next week.  I have the abilities, I just need to set a goal and follow through.  I will be downloading a copy of Photoshop, I found a few things that GIMP doesn't do very well at.

Food, on plan today.  I didn't walk on the treadmill, but I walked in the mall tonight after Justin got home from collecting money from the stores for the papers.  Water was a bit low, but overall I drank more than 126 oz of fluids.  I just normally try for a gallon of water without counting anything else.

It's late and time for bed.  Laterness & g'night.

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