Weight Loss Ticker

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 95 - Double blah

I've got to finish that stupid article I was working on last night.  I had 200 of 300 words done and navigated away from the page to check something.  So of course, all of my work is gone. 

I just want to go to bed.  I'm tired and semi-depressed.  A friend of mine is going through a rough time, and I feel bad I can't help her right now because things aren't that much better for us.  At least I get WIC and something the schools do here.. they send home these food packs for the low income kids.  Since we qualify for free lunches, we qualify for this.  It's stuff I wouldn't normally buy, single serve cereal, milk and juice, plastic tubs of applesauce and green beans, cereal bars and trail mix, sometimes Vienna sausages and small cans of pork and beans.  My daughter's teacher knows we have a 2 year old as well, so she sends home a double set of these bags.  I think the city calls them 'Food 4 Kids' or something like that.  I hate how the city advertises that it's for kids who would otherwise go hungry, because I wouldn't let the kids go hungry. 

Anyway, I'm obviously procrastinating the article I NEED to write tonight, so I'd best take out my contacts and focus.  Exercise happened and food and water were on plan.  Laterness & g'night.

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