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Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, March 12

So I'm a big disappointment to my sister again.  I'm trying to figure out how to make it up to her.  Today is my nephew's birthday, and I forgot to send out a card... again.  I texted her tonight to tell her give him a hug and say I wish him a happy birthday, but I know that wasn't enough. 

Food was on plan today.  I didn't binge on anything.  I drank almost a gallon of water (if you count all the coffee, I drank over a gallon of fluids).

Exercise didn't happen.  I've got a bunch of stuff I need to do to get my writing going, and I can't do it and walk at lunch.  I need to find another alternative.

It's been a day.  The truck broke down... again.  Two weeks ago, his compressor seized.  Today, he threw a ball joint when turning around.  He thought it was his suspension.  You know it's bad when the tow truck driver pulls up and says 'I know this truck.  Didn't I tow you about 2 weeks ago?'

We've got a bit of a cushion, and it's not going to be much to fix the truck.    But I've got stress hives.  This living with someone else is the pits.  I was cuddling with my daughter this morning, about 10 minutes before 7.  I was told it was almost 7, didn't she need to eat?  Uhh I don't feed her until 7, the time before is for cuddles and to finish getting ready except for eating.

Then it was the boy wouldn't stop coughing, and 'I don't know what his mama is thinking bringing him to daycare.'  Except he's having an allergy attack because the trees are already flowering this year.  The coughing is from his allergies, and will stop as soon as his Zyrtec kicks in, another 2 or 3 days.  Until then, he's miserable and coughing, but not actually sick.  I can't stay home with him, and I'm not relying on 2 cranky 80+ year olds to watch him even if daddy is asleep in the other room.

I've got money saved, I"m just slowly nearing the end of my patience.  And then my Marine calls me tonight.  He's heading out on Saturday.  I knew yesterday at church that it was going to be this week.  I just hope that not everything that went through my mind is going to come true.  If so, maybe I need to take out some life insurance on my husband. :P

I keep repeating to myself, if God brings me to it, he will bring me through it.  Now I just need to take it day by day, and walk in faith.

And find a birthday gift to send to my nephew that makes up for not sending out a card early enough to get it to him.

Laterness & g'night.

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