Weight Loss Ticker

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sunday, March 11

I've decided that my blog is boring.  I don't stir up shit like other bloggers.  I spend a lot of time whining about crap that I do to myself.  It's a train wreck in progress.

My weight was at 198 last week, finally heading in the right direction... until I binged halfway through the week.  I was wanting something, and kept eating other things to make the craving go away.  It didn't work.  Funny, I bought what I was craving, and I was able to eat normally the rest of the week.  Lesson learned. 

I also did some major reading.  I figured out part of my problem, but it's all mindset.  I was happy in FL, so I was able to maintain, though I didn't lose any more.  Here.. not so much.  I've decided that I'm changing my mind.  I am happy here.  I've got a healthy family.  We've got jobs.  I've got a place to live.  Life is sweet.

My weight is going to start going in the right direction because I have a plan.  I need to be happy for the kids.  I want to be at goal weight by the time my Marine gets back from Afghanistan in October.  I can do it.  I just need to focus.

In the meantime, I playing with my relationship status on Facebook to see who's paying attention.  LOL  I just changed my husband's, tomorrow I'll change mine.

I forgot to hit post last night.  So laterness.

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