Weight Loss Ticker

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday, October 11

So, yesterday I should have put a part 2 on my second post.  Obviously I didn't, but it'll be fine.  It's not a duplicate, I promise.

I've got lots of writing to do today.  I got a direct order through Textbroker for 9 articles.  Oomph.  I'm working on the one I had taken before I got the direct orders, then I'll have to start on those and try to get done before Friday when I have to work at my brother's warehouse again.

Food, not great already today.  No excuses.  But, I had a telephone interview with FL DCF (Department of Children and Families).  I qualify for food stamps, even living with my parents.  I can have food that I eat here.  Like fruit and salads/fresh veggies.  Like my regular meals.  Food for my kids that they'll eat that aren't just Lunchables or peanut butter.  I hate asking my mother to buy a lot of food, but I need something different for my kids to eat.  I'm thinking pork & beans for them.  I'll have to take a trip through Walmart or Publix when I get the food stamps.  I just need to be sure that if I get something my nephew would like I get enough for him too.  I'll have to be careful because he eats more than my kids.

Justin's grandfather is doing much better.  He's been home from the hospital almost 2 weeks and is recovering nicely from his stroke.  I'm hoping we can get Justin here by the boy's 3rd birthday on Nov 13.  Right now it's a money issue.  Not having a job for as long as I've been here has really depleted our moving fund.

Anyway, I'm overwhelmed with work and have to leave around 12 to get to Michael's and get some information faxed to DCF.  I'll try to post later...

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