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Friday, June 3, 2011

Holding it in

The person they finally decided to hire at work? Instead of hiring someone here to help those of us who are swamped, they're hiring someone in Cincinnati. Please excuse the following expletive filled rant. Its either that or turn to chocolate or cry in the middle of the office. I won't namecall, I like my manager as a person but she shouldn't have been put in charge. She's a control freak and loves to take credit for good things we do and spread the blame for things going wrong. All of her employees know she doesn't have our back. We've tried going through the channels and things have just gotten worse. Multiply that by 100x since the merger.

That person who calls herself a manager is lying and doesn't have the fucking balls to stand up for us. I'm so fucking sick of telling her how swamped we are only to be told some bullshit excuse that it'll get better. Its never going to get better until they realize they can't treat their employees like shit and expect morale to stay up. Instead of doing anything logical they're buying more companies. That's fucking insane bullshit. We get more fucking swamped when they give us drop everything projects to help with the original merger but the only ones who get any fucking credit are my manager and supervisor. Really puts it into perspective perspective how important the rest of us are.

Please excuse me while I go cry anyway.


Princess Dieter aka Mir said...

Seems like this is a common sucky thing happening. Hubby even started interviewing with other companies after getting sick of the "swamped, expected to do X projects with not enough time or people". It recently got better and I'm relieved, but he's not been a happy camper, and that makes me sad, too, of course.

I hope that your manager gets an effing clue or gets replaced. People should be able to work with some decent support and be heard.

If crying relieves the tension, do so, and polish up the resume meantime. Never know when something will pop up. :) Even if it's within the same company and AWAY from that doofus boss.

Lena said...

Princess, she won't be replaced. Her boss is exactly like she is. All she says is yes to her boss, even if it's unreasonable, and that's what her boss wanted. My only other option is to move.

It's all good, I've been biding my time because of my daughter's t-ball games, but once they're finished, I'm moving to the Orlando area to be near my family.