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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 113 - Random Thoughts

So looking at the information for Phase 6, I may not be able to stay in the challenge.  I don't have a bike.  I can't afford to buy a bike unless something drastic happens.  If I can't follow the plan, then what?  He says that he wants everyone to stick to the plan exactly.  Uhh, I guess I'll just have to keep at what I'm doing and I'll lose.  I'll increase my exercise.  I'd love to start rollerblading more often.  I'd love to start back in Tae Kwon Do.  It'll all depend on what's going on, and where I'm living.  If I can't stay in the challenge for Phase 6, I'll be disappointed, but that's just how life goes sometimes.

This week will be interesting.  I didn't have enough cash on me to buy potatoes, so any of the days with potatoes, I'll just have to skip that part of the plan.  That'll mean a lot less calories than is actually planned.  Oh well.  I can't get potatoes with WIC, so do I dip into the moving fund more? Other thoughts to ponder.  I get paid on Friday.

I missed lunch because I didn't have what I needed, so I ate breakfast and dinner.  I'm hungry, but it's after 9 pm, I don't want to eat this late.

I'm weepy.  Though we have money if we need it, I'm trying to balance it all.  We spent too much for the birthday party, and I've already dipped into the moving fund to get groceries since we spent so much with the party.  My mistake, but I wasn't thinking about how everything added up.  It's fine, I'll probably give in and get what we need with money from the moving fund and just write more to make up for it.

Speaking of writing more, I'd best get back to re-editing the article that I wrote last night.  The customer requested that I make it read a bit more smoothly.  Hmm Kinda like today's post, huh?

Laterness & g'night.


AlmostGastricBypass said...

Phase 6 info ? I dont have any yet ? Hmmm...

Lena said...

I meant the post about riding a bike :) I don't have one and don't want to disqualify myself if I can't follow the exercise plan because I don't have the equipment.