Weight Loss Ticker

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I lose... this time lol

I've been having a contest with someone at work to see who gets to give their notice first.  He won, but only because I haven't been pushing the writing as much and he got a job with the city.  Oh well, his last day is next Friday.  I'm kinda sad because that's one less person I can talk to at work... I can't talk much to the gripe girls, and another person is a friend but I don't see eye to eye with her on a lot of things.

I get finance articles sent to my email inbox from a blog called 'The Simple Dollar.'  In a recent article, Trent (the blog's author) talks about how great things never come easily.  He's referring to more than getting out of debt and having your finances stable.  He talks of his piano lessons and saving for the dream home he and his wife want.  Weight loss is another thing that doesn't come easily.  It's worth it, just like getting out of debt is worth it.  We just need to learn patience and that it's not going to happen overnight.  Every choice is a step toward where we are going.  If we make the healthy choice, we travel toward health.  If we make the thrifty choice, we head toward being debt free.

My goal is to travel to being healthy and active.  I have another goal of being debt free, with stable finances.  I'd also like a house with a big enough yard to have a garden and grow my own produce.  So I have to work toward what I want, no matter what other choices are there.

Today, I made the choices to work toward health.  I drank enough water, I ate on plan.

Tomorrow, I'll make the same type of choices.  I'm also working toward the financial goals.  Tonight, I'm looking at writing jobs, copywriting is my choice.  I'd love to write a fiction book or two, but I know I need practice.  The one short story I sent to a magazine was rejected.  I need to rewrite the story, but after 4 years I don't have the saved file.  It's on my other laptop.  The one with a dead battery and no charger.  I will rewrite the story this weekend.

Laterness & g'night.

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