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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Welcome to the Jungle

The boy wasn't exactly happy about being at daycare today, but he didn't start crying tonight until he saw me.  Then he was all cuddly and telling me he missed me.  Aww, melt my heart why don't you?

Food on plan.  Water was a bit light, only 128 oz instead of the higher amount I've been getting, but since my goal is only 126 oz, I'm fine there.  The strength exercises are done as well.

I was wrong about the amount of our tax return.  I must have picked up a bit of Justin's dyslexia last night.  I don't understand how I would have made such a mistake, but it'll work out.  At least the amount is enough that we can get the vehicles fixed and have a bit put aside still.  And it wasn't enough to affect any help from the state.  Which is good, because I ended up with a daycare that's more expensive than the others I had called.  I should have asked before I just chose one, but I didn't.  Stupid mistake, but the boy likes it, or at least says he does. 

I just called and it appears that our paperwork has been completed.  It listed my food stamp amount at least.  I tried checking on daycare, and all it did is ask me to enter a new PIN.  I'll check it in the morning when I drop the boy off.  I have mixed feelings about getting help for stuff like this, but that's what it's there for.  I was honest about everything, including the savings we had put aside, so it's not like I lied to get financial help.  I think I just feel guilty because I know there are others that are more deserving.  I have the ability to make more money, as evidenced by the writing I did earlier tonight and the additional article due in 3 days that I'm going to work on tomorrow.  Of course, I only made about $50 for the month of April, so it's not like I go all out.  It's hard when I come home exhausted by work.

I still need to get lunch ready for tomorrow, but I guess I'll do that in the morning since my alarm will go off in 7 hours.

Laterness & g'night.

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