ABC is has the Moses (rather the Ten Commandments) movie on with Charlton Heston. I don't normally watch it, but Justin turned it on tonight, so I'm half paying attention. They really did take creative license with the story, but the story is there.
We had an Easter Egg hunt at the church. We brought my step-son. The kids enjoyed it, and my stepson gave the younger kids some of the candy he got since he ended up with a lot more than they did. I had them thank him, and I made a point of thanking him. Justin's ex was there too with her other kids, but we didn't really talk to her. She came over and talked to me a bit, but just to ask where Justin was when he had gone to get something warmer to wear. It was cold. I think the temperature was only in the low 60's, and the north wind had it feeling colder.
I did my grocery shopping for the week. I know it's possible that the menu is going to change again on Friday/Saturday, but I did the shopping anyway since Allan hadn't mentioned new menus for anyone other than the 4 (well 3 and him) that are trying the Phase 6 menus. I also got plenty of exercise, though today is supposed to be a day of rest. I'll walk tomorrow too, I feel like Tuesdays and Thursdays are enough of a day of rest with just the strength exercises.
I'm kinda looking forward to this week, I'm going to start having close to an hour at lunch. That'll let me exercise and eat without having to eat and work. I'm going in earlier since I'm bringing the kittie girl to school. It's silly to bring her to school then go back home before dropping the duckie boy at daycare. I figure I'll make lunches for Justin and myself the night before, and have my coffee ready to go. The coffee is going to be needed. I may end up having to get up earlier as well so I can take a shower and still get everyone ready on time.
The extra time at lunch will mean I can exercise more to help me deal with the stress. Even if my boss talks to me as if I were 2 like she did on Friday, I can exercise longer than 20 minutes and feel better afterward.
LOL I went into the bathroom to take out my contacts, and Moses/The Ten Commandments wasn't on any more. He turned on Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey, Jr.
I'm thinking it's about bedtime. I've caught up on everything that I need to do tonight. Other than the pile of coupons that's getting smaller. I'm making progress on that too. Laterness & g'night.