Weight Loss Ticker

Friday, May 27, 2011

Hunger Games

I saw something on MSN about a movie called The Hunger Games, so I had to get the book out from the library.  Except all I could get was the book on CD.  I'm over halfway through the CD's (7 of 9) and I am going to go on a hunt for the actual book.  I found a 2nd book by this author about the same person in this book, but wanted to wait to get it until after I get the first book.

I talked to my doctor about the next part of Phase 6, and she wasn't happy about it, so I emailed Allan I'm out.  I need to be sure that I don't get lazy and keep at the weight loss.  I've got an appointment to talk to the corporate dietitian at work.  She and I emailed a few times this afternoon.  I'll go over some things with her next week.  She's also talked to me about increasing my exercise.  She may not be a fitness instructor, but she's worked with one, and I know that person too she works at one of the local gyms now instead of working as a nutrition analyst with my company.  I'll find a way to get at least a one month membership at the gym.  They have a discount with my work.

So, my goals for the next 2 months: ~1200 calories a day and at least 30 minutes of exercise a day at first.  Eventually I need to increase to 60 minutes, maybe adding morning and afternoon walks at work.  I was also told I needed to add weight exercises to help me burn more calories.  One of the other dietitians told me I need to shake up my exercise routine too.  I think after my talk with the dietitian, I'll have a full plan.  But til then, I have something tentative.  I need to buy some V-8 singles too until I get better quality veggies from the store.

I feel marginally better working personally with someone to get a plan tailored to me.  I'm not going to let myself slide back over 200 lbs.  Laterness & g'night.

1 comment:

Jacqui said...

good luck with your new plan.. it's always nice to get one tailored specific to your needs! :)