Weight Loss Ticker

Monday, May 2, 2011

We bad, we nationwide

ZZ Top just seems appropriate today.
I really don't see the big deal about Osama - IMHO Al Qaeda is like a hydra, cut off one head two will grow back. Hmm when I went to Google to look up how to spell Al Qaeda, I found an article stating that they had evolved into splinter groups long before this. I hate that I was right in this case :(

Someone brought cookies today - DO NOT WANT. Blah. I've got my plan so no cookies. I want to see the 190's before June. Ideally I'd LOVE to see 199 by Thursday but that won't happen LOL.

Anyway the weather sux so the plan is the treadmill in 20 mins or so. I'm already halfway done my water so the day is off to a good start. Gotta get back at it.

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