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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It was long ago and it was far away

I decided I'm going to walk on the treadmill today instead of outside. I still haven't heard if t-ball is cancelled tho we're still under a severe weather warning. My sister is freaking but it'll all work out.

Food on plan so far. I'm walking now because my goal is to increase my exercise this week. Should be fun right? I didn't want to but this is for life.


Princess Dieter aka Mir said...

I'm glad you guys didn't get the worst of it. I'm heartbroken over Joplin...the news from there is beyond depressing. What is with this weather? Heavens...

Good for you making exercise time, indoors or out. It's getting really warm and muggy, and it's only gonna get worse through September, so I have to find alternatives...s

Lena said...

Princess, If I were to judge only on the Oklahoma weather, I'd say it was normal. Adding in the storms that hit Joplin on Sunday or Alabama and other areas in the south last month gives another picture entirely. I have relatives in New England that were flooded out this spring. I just wish the weather would give us all a break for a few months. But after tornado season comes hurricane season.