bad. I wasn't feeling well last night and took a nap. Of course, my brother called while I was sleeping and since my phone was still on vibrate from work so no one answered it. I got his voicemail when I called back, and never heard anything last night. I called again this evening.
He said it looks like I didn't pass the checks for the job he offered me. I had to pass a financial background check, and my credit score is very bad. I understand why the credit check, I'd be bringing food to the vending machines in federal prisons, and they'd want to make sure I didn't need a lot of money so I couldn't be bribed. I couldn't be no matter how much money I owed, but they don't know that. They don't know me.
So my goal is to pay off the rest of what's on my credit report. It's half of what was there last year. Ideally, I'd like to pay in full before the beginning of August, but that'd require that I more than triple my income. I guess we'll just have to see what I can do.
On the brighter side, my sister found a place for us to live. There's a for-rent sign outside of a modular home about 3 miles from where she lives (my mother's moving about 5 houses down the street). So, we wait until t-ball is done, then we go down there. I'll still be there by my sister's birthday. I'm just really disappointed about not being able to be approved to help my brother.
Anyway, I guess that gives me more time to ship off the games my Marine said he still wants. I'll have to send them via UPS or something. It's time to buckle down and focus on what's important. I want to improve my credit score anyway, so I guess I see what I can do. I also need to start sending my books to my mother so I don't have to try to transport them when we move.
Food was on plan. I've got a ton of stuff I need to get with coupons tomorrow. I need to go grocery shopping as well. So... it'll all work out, I'm just going to spend a bit more than I really want for things I wouldn't normally get but we really need. Like contact solution and Little Swimmers (my sister has a pool, so does my parents' new home). I forgot what else I need to get, but I also need to go through my stockpile and give a lot of it to the YWCA.
Of course, I go to log into my blog today and notice that the big long post I started last night didn't go through. It was sitting in the drafts! Oops. It's now Sunday, so I'll post later today.