Weight Loss Ticker

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 42 - Interested?

"There's a difference between interest and commitment.  When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient.  When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results." - Unknown
It's obvious whether Allan is interested in weight loss or committed to weight loss.  My goal is to be committed to weight loss no matter how discouraged I get at how slow I lose.  My goal is to stick to the plan no matter what.  I know I'm going to be the slowest loser.  I'll live as long as I get closer to my goal. 

I suspect I won't get any answers on the exhaustion.  I called the clinic again.  The PA wasn't in today.  I already know that if my test had been 'enough' off she would have called.  My only other choice is to go to another doctor or deal with it.  It's nice that our clinic is so inexpensive but they're not exactly good at times.  My coworker had bronchial pneumonia but the clinic didn't diagnose it correctly for 2 months.  She finally went to the Indian clinic (American Indian that is) and got the medication to get better.  I don't have that choice - I'm not Indian.  I'd need to find a doctor and pay everything out of pocket since I haven't met my deductible yet.

I finished yesterday at 1200 calories, though I did have a piece of cake and shouldn't have.  I ate out of stress, and I so know better. 

Today so far I'm at 500 calories.  I spent too much time working on paperwork for the Oklahoman. I'm really stressing out about that.  We need to stop eating out.  I don't want to dip into savings any more than we're going to have to in paying off the Oklahoman for last month.  I want to replace the money ASAP.

Back, finishing my post after dinner and a bath.  Donner was chicken and mushrooms in a pita.  Finishing the day a bit over 800 calories.  I wasn't hungry earlier, so decided that was it for the day.  I'm getting hungry now but no eating after 8 pm. 

I keep forgetting that I have this window open, so I'm going to go ahead and post.  Laterness and g'night.

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