Weight Loss Ticker

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 57 - Follower or Fan?

Today, the sermon at church was about a book about whether we're a fan or follower of Jesus.  In other words, are we interested, or committed.   This afternoon, I started thinking about that with regards to my weight loss efforts.  How committed am I? 

I'm following the plan, but I'm not going the extra mile, as my weight loss for the last 2 weeks shows.  Yes, I lost 1 lb this week, which isn't bad considering I'm sure I'm retaining water this week.  I'm not sure if my thyroid issues are slowing things down, but honestly at 2 lbs a week, there's no way I'd be able to meet the goal I was given for the challenge.  So at least some weeks I should be losing more than 2 lbs a week.  I'm not counting last week's weigh in because the week before was no loss, when I had stayed under 1400 calories all week - the week after Allan dissolved Phase 4 and before he started Phase 5.

Today, on plan.  Water was great.  I walked to the store around lunchtime.  And to top off my weekend, I get to watch Wil Wheaton on Criminal Minds =)  This episode creeped me out the first time I saw it.  It's one of my favorites in a series that I love.  Now I get to watch Wil's character get hit by a semi. 

This weekend didn't go as planned, but I got a nap early this evening.  I cleaned the kids' room a bit, though it needs more cleaning - I threw away almost a full kitchen trash bag full of broken toys, and ripped papers.  I also threw away 2 items that I probably could have fixed, but I know myself and I know they'd just sit there unwearable, staring at me.  I feel guilty throwing them away.  I normally give them away, but didn't put them in the bag of clothes I'm giving away on freecycle after I go through her clothes again with her help to pick out the clothes she'll wear.

I need to get some sleep, my goal is to try to go the extra mile at work this week and stay out of the drama as much as possible.  It's going to be hard.  I don't want to be there.  I don't know that my taxes will be enough to get me out of there, the return is lower than I had hoped, and that's before the injured spouse claim that I have to file.  I will need a couple months' living expenses even once I'm in FL.  All I can do is keep moving in the right direction, and pray that I can get out of a job that gives me headaches and has me coming home cranky every day.  I am working on putting it behind me when I leave the building, and I'm doing better at it.

Time to get some sleep.  Laterness and g'night.

1 comment:

Mrs. O said...

Oh, I love Criminal Minds and that was a creepy episode, not to mention how the he was "apprehended"!

Sorry to hear that you're dealing with crap at work. I know what that's like and that kind of stress can affect weight loss. Keep the faith that things will turn for you. :)