Weight Loss Ticker

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 50 - It Was No Accident Me Finding You

I'm in a daze this morning. I got sleep but feel like my head is full of fuzz. I don't want to use a sick day so I'm just doing my best to focus on work. In a bit I'll get a diet soda to see if it helps me wake up. Or I'll make some tea because the coffee didn't help.
I need to find my belt. Most of my jeans have a bit of lycra which was great when I was at 240 - 245 but they're a bit loose now and the smaller jeans were just a bit tight on my stomach. The other jeans are cute but I'm more interested in the skirts I can now fit into. At least one I don't want to get rid of and am wondering if I can get it tailored when I get to goal. LOL of course by then I'll be fitting into more cute clothes so I may change my mind.
Tea helped wake me up a bit but I have no inclination to do much work. I'm doing it but not happy about it :P
I'm a bit worried about jogging on the treadmill until I find my belt but I think my belly will keep them up. Or my hips. They're big enough. Breakfast and lunch are on plan. Will post tonight with fianl results.

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