Weight Loss Ticker

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 62 - Phase 5 Day 19 (Ok, I had to count LOL)

Food was... mostly on plan today.  If I didn't have it in the cupboard, I didn't eat it but didn't substitute either.  This means no low fat tartar sauce, no low fat mayo.  I'll live.  Justin will pick up some low fat cheddar (and possibly provolone if he finds some.  I forgot to tell him to get cheese sticks but after 2 oz of cheese, I'll be full) and I'll have some of that. Otherwise, I'm done for the night.  The weight loss is noticeable now. 

Work... well it's not going to change.  One of my coworkers in Cinci was very rude today, talking like she was my boss, but I wrote back very politely telling her that we did things exactly how the manager said to do it.  Pretty good considering I lost my temper when I first got the email.  She's got the same job title as I do, so she wasn't the one to be telling me what to do.  A request is the best way to get what you want from me.

I still need to exercise.  I'm planning on doing the exercise to the Walk Away the Pounds video again.  Justin and the duckie boy joined me for lunch, so I didn't walk on the treadmill during my normal time.  Gonna go to bed early.  Laterness & g'night

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