Weight Loss Ticker

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 44 - Phase 5 Begins

The next couple of days are going to be rough since I'm low on oatmeal and I didn't realize I was when I was grocery shopping yesterday.  I have enough for gas to get through the week, but I don't want to dip into savings any more for the week. 

I'm in a touch of pain tonight.  It's hurting to move my neck, which means I'm going to have to take something to be able to sleep.  I'm not sure what I did.

Overall, it was a good day.  Food exactly what I was supposed to eat while on the plan.  Walking or walk/jog was okay for today, though I felt like I was going to die that last minute of jogging.  Stretching okay, and I felt nice and loose until I sat down at the laptop tonight.  I will admit I love having the vanilla milkshake after dinner, though I may need to move some of dinner's food to earlier in the day.  I was starving by the time I left work.  I need to check on if it's okay.

First day back on thyroid medication tomorrow, let's hope it fixes the exhaustion.  I'm so sick of feeling like I'm hitting the wall when I get enough sleep and shouldn't be all that tired.

Still thinking about and praying for my friend Brenda and her family.  Words fail me right now, I'm just sad and wishing for a magic wand to make things all better.

I need to get some sleep before I fall asleep sitting up.  I'm just staring at the computer screen anyway.  I'm well past the age where I was when I used to stay awake all night gaming.  Laterness and g'night.

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