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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 75 - Another day for you and me in paradise

I started to post at lunch through MMS like I always do.  But honestly, it just didn't seem all that important to say that I was on plan and nothing else.  Not much going on in my life, except my boss is doing something that I consider a power grab.  She wants us to take over everything that might possibly fall under what we used to do.  It's giving us way too much work, though I'm refusing to eat over it.  Then add in that an important program isn't working correctly.  This morning, I couldn't log in at all.  After working with IT and the company that puts out the program, I was able to log in.  About an hour later, I couldn't login to the program again.  A different error this time.  I emailed IT again, but had to find something else to do the rest of the afternoon.

Food was on plan.  I did my strength exercises.  Water was above 128 oz.  All in all everything was on track, except I didn't do my extra walking the stairs at lunch. 

I'm trying to get my tax return done, but am planning on going to bed in about 30 minutes, so I may not get it all the way done tonight.  At least I'll get it started.  I found tuna steaks at one of the grocery stores in town.  I'm sure they're not fresh, but I don't remember seeing any at Wal-Mart, and the price was about what Wal-Mart charges for salmon.  It'll make something different for dinner.  I'm getting sick of the same old thing.  I was going to do day 18 or whatever one had the quesadilla tomorrow, but I don't have any cheerios, or mandarin oranges, so it'll have to wait until after this weekend.  I'm thinking a bit of shrimp too and have shrimp and pasta one night.  There are plenty of menus there, I just need to find other ones that are doable. 

Anyway, it's time to chill out for a bit before bed.  I'm trying to focus on sleeping better and taking quiet time to read or knit before I go to bed.  Laterness & g'night.

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