Weight Loss Ticker

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 15 - To Fast or Not to Fast

The results are in from last week.  I lost all of 0.4 lbs.  As I keep saying, I'm going to keep at it. 

Breakfast: egg whites on toast with an orange and milk
Snack: cheese stick
Lunch: leftover chicken stir fry
Afternoon snack: pb on graham crackers (my new favorite snack lol)
Dinner: fish (probably salmon), spinach, whole wheat pasta
Evening snack: I saw nuts in the cupboard, but not sure what kind, probably pb with graham crackers or wheat thins.

Lunches this week will alternate between a salad with grilled chicken and a pita with chicken.  Breakfast will be a repeat of this morning.  Dinners will be up in the air, though I'm tempted to do whole wheat spaghetti with chicken and tomato and/or spinach.  I need to figure out if a bit of olive oil in it would be on the plan. 

I need to do more grocery shopping after we get a check tomorrow so at this point my options are limited.  I have plenty of chicken breast, but we're going through it fast.

So at church, they're doing a 'corporate fast' which means they're encouraging everyone to fast or refrain from something from Jan 10 to Jan 21.  Some are giving up meat, some are giving up soda/fast food.  Last year, I did a Daniel Fast.  Simple enough, it's just eating vegan, as in no meat products including milk/eggs, no bread, no caffeine.  Just whole grains and fruits/vegetables.  However, since I'm doing this diet this year, I'm not doing the Daniel Fast.  I feel like the fasting is why things turned around for us financially last year.   I'm considering giving up something else this year.  I guess we'll see.

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